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How to make a volcano ?



A volcano – Talk to an art teacher about how to make a volcano out of paper mache or plaster. You can also use clay or if you’re in a hurry to make your volcano, use a mound of dirt outside.


-Will need:


-A container that 35mm film comes in, and old pill bottle, a baby food jar, or similar size        container.

-Red and yellow food coloring (optional)


-Liquid dish washing soap

What to do:

  1. Go outside or prepare for some clean-up inside

  2. Put the container into the volcano at the top

  3. Add two spoonfuls of baking soda

  4. Add about a spoonful of dish soap

  5. Add about 5 drops each of the red and yellow food coloring

-Now for the eruption:

Add about an ounce of the vinegar into the container and watch what your volcano     come alive.

Conclusion: This practice was very cool because Miriam was not and we did individuali.No we clear malt with angles but actually it goes well.

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